Monday, December 19, 2011

Writing for Healing and Transformation

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Gustav Jung

Suzanne Adams teaches how writing can transform us and become a healing force in our lives. We checked in with Suzanne to learn more about her upcoming "Writing for Transformation" class.

WIH Reporter: What is important to know about your upcoming class? 
Adams: This class encourages writing with authenticity and resisting self-censure (a great hurdle with all writing) so that our stories can emerge from the deep wells of the heart. 

WIH Reporter: How does healing and transformation relate to the writing process? 
Adams: When we write about events and experiences that have had a profound impact on us, we are diving into the waters of truth and exploring how we feel, at a deeper level, about those experiences. After learning how to incorporate the tools for writing a healing narrative, we emerge from those waters with a new perspective and wisdom to carry with us into the next chapter of our lives. 

WIH Reporter: It sounds, in a way, like a kind of holistic medicine.
Adams: The interconnection between mind, body, and spirit is equally important.  When we suppress or ignore a vital part of our stories, that withholding tends to manifest itself in another area, as physical ailments or by negatively affecting our peace of mind. Integrating and honoring our stories through transformative writing can improve health and restore harmony.

WIH Reporter: Tell us more about your background.  
Adams: I write both fiction and nonfiction and was considering getting an MFA degree when I happened to read an article in Poets & Writers Magazine about a master's degree program that focused on writing for healing and transformation.  After researching the program and reading several books on the subject, I felt I had found my calling.  Words are inherently powerful  - they can affect the quality of our lives and the state of our spirits.  As a writer and reader, I had already witnessed the power of words to initiate transformation, so this next step into education and facilitation was an invitation I couldn't resist.  

WIH Reporter: Can you give us a preview of your upcoming class?
Adams: We will be engaging in memoir-type writing, but this class will move further into exploring particular methods that help us gain insight from our narratives.  And in the process, we'll discover how the power of transformative writing can enrich our lives.

According to the course description, "This workshop is open to anyone who wishes to discover new meaning in the experiences of the past, reconnect with his or her core sense of self, explore new avenues of growth, and preserve the value of memories.  No writing experience is necessary." To find out more or to register for this class, click here.

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